Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Endless Recovery Essay Example for Free

The Endless Recovery Essay 559 Testing Your Comprehension 1.Fossil fuels are abundant on our planet today and can be used to create many sources of energy which is why they are so prevalent. They are considered nonrenewable sources of energy because they take millions of years to form and because humans are rapidly depleting our fossil fuels faster then they can be created, which makes these fuels nonrenewable. 2.Fossil fuels were formed from the tissues of organisms that lived 100-500 million years ago. The energy these fuels contain came originally from the sun and was converted to chemical-bond energy as a result of photosynthesis. Environmental conditions determine what type of fossil fuel is formed because of the chemical composition of the starting material, the temperatures and pressures to which the material is subjects, the presence or absence of anaerobic decomposers, and the passage of time. Fossil fuels are often concentrated in localized deposits because some regions have substantial reserves of fossil fuels whereas others have very few. 3.Net energy expresses the difference between energy returned and energy invested. EROI is the ratio determined by dividing the quantity of energy returned from a process by the quantity pf energy invested in the process. These are important when evaluating energy sources because these ratios are always changing. 4.Coal is combusted and converted to water which turns to steam, this starts a turbine; this is how coal generates electricity. 5.Geologists have estimated the total amount of oil beneath the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 1002 Area by drilling cores and conducting ground, air, and seismic surveys to map underground rock formations. This amount differs from the â€Å"technically recoverable† and â€Å"economically recoverable† because the â€Å"technically recoverable† ranges from 4.3-11.8 billion barrels, while the estimated amount ranges from 11.6-31.5 billion barrels. 6.We create petroleum products by refining hydrocarbon molecules that are separated into different size classes and are chemically transformed to create specialized f uels for heating, cooking and transportation, and to create lubricating oils, asphalts, and the production of plastics and other petroleum products. 7.Peak oil is when the rate of production of oil comes to its peak and begins to decline. Many experts believe we will soon pass the global production peak for oil because we are using it at a faster pace and are not finding new concentrations of oil. If we do not shift to  renewable energy sources, our society will meet its demise because we will run out of fossil fuels. 8.Fossil fuel production and consumption drive climate change, they pollute water as well as air, and they devastate natural systems. Drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge would impact life in that area tremendously because that area would be quickly polluted and the wildlife would pay the price. Scientists are not even sure if this area has enough oil worth drilling for which is why it should not be touched. 9.An example of clean coal technology would be to use dry coal with high water contents. This approach would make is a cleaner-burning. Carbon capture technologies intend to remove carbon dioxide from power plants or other emissions, while carbon storage technologies try to sequester, or store, carbon dioxide from industrial emissions (underground under pressure in locations where it will not seep out). Both carbon capture and storage are in an effort to mitigate global climate change. 10.10. Two main approaches to energy conservation: as individuals, we can make conscious choices to reduce our own energy consumption by driving less, turning off lights when rooms are not being used, dialing down thermostats and cutting back on the use of energy-intensive machines and appliances. As a society we can conserve energy by making our energy consuming devices and processes more efficient. Consumers need to purchase energy efficiency appliances. Pg 587 Testing your comprehension 1. Of our global energy they contribute: Nuclear 20.9 %; Hydro 2.2%; Bio 9.8%. Of our global electricity they generate: Nuclear 13.8%; Hydro 15.6%; Bio 2.6%. 2. Nuclear fission occurs when the nuclei of large, heavy atoms, such as uranium or plutonium, are bombarded with neutrons. Neutrons tend to move too quickly for their nuclei to split when they collide, so the neutrons need to be slowed down. Each split nucleus emits energy in the form of heat, light and radiation. It also releases multiple neutrons. These neutrons, bombard other nearby uranium-235 atoms, which result in a self sustaining chain reaction. Engineers control fission in nuclear reactors by using control rods, which absorb neutrons. They are placed into the reactor among the water-bathed fuel rods. The engineers move these rods into and out of the water to maintain the fission reaction at the desired rate. 3. In  terms of greenhouse gas emission, nuclear, compared to coal, oil and natural gas, has less to none greenhouse emission. Hydropower and bioenergy compare 4. The incident at the Three Mile Island differed from that at Chernobyl because the Three Mile Island emergency was brought under control within days and the reactor was shut down quickly. This was due to a combination of mechanical failure and human error. The residents of the area were not as affected by the meltdown as those in Chernobyl. Chernobyl occurred because engineers had turned off safety systems to conduct tests, human error, and the unsafe reactor design caused an explosion. Many people were exposed to radiation; residents of the area were highly affected and till this day are still severely ill due to exposure. The accident killed 31 people. Radioactive fallout reached most of the Northern Hemisphere. 5. Some concerns about the disposal of radioactive waste are that if it’s dumped in the ocean it poses threat to fisheries, people and marine systems. If it’s kept in the power plants, the power plants are running out of space to hold the waste. If it is sent to Yucca Mountain, while being transported there can be an accident that exposes people to the radioactive waste. As of now the waste is being kept in storage areas within the nuclear power plant. The United States chose Yucca Mountain as a place to dump the nuclear waste but so far the project has not taken place. The waste will remain in their current locations. 6. Sources for bioenergy include the waste products of existing industries or processes, residue from agricultural crops, animal waste and organic waste. Bioenergy use differs between developed and developing nations because 7. The two primary biofules are ethanol and biodiesel. Ethanol is the alcohol in beer, wine and liquor. It is produced by fermenting biomass. In fermentation, carbohydrates are converted to sugar and then to ethanol. Gasoline engines run with gasoline blended with 10% of ethanol. Biodiesel , a fuel produced from vegetable oil, used cooking grease or animal fat. It is also used in vehicles and can be mixed with conventional petrodiesel. In North America and in Europe, cars are being filled with biodiesel and some buses and recycling trucks as well. 8. Bioenergy is from carbon neutral which releases no net carbon into the atmosphereif bioenergy replaced the use of fossilfuels we could help mitigate the problems of climate change. Burning bioenergy is not carbon neutral for the fact that plants need to be cut down in order to plant  bioenergy plants. 9. Storage type of hydroelectricity this type is the most widely used. It holds water back behind concrete dams that block the flow of water and just letting it flow out in smaller amounts through pipes that feed into a turbine. B. The other type of hydroelectricity generating plant is by implementing run-of-river generates electricity without greatly disrupting the flow of the river. Although it is not as damaging as damming the river, it doesn’t guarantee the same amount of water flow as by damming does. 10. two advantages with hydroelectric power are that the energy source is renewable and no carbon is emitted in the production of energy from this source. B. T wo negative impacts of hydroelectricity is that the area behind dams are flooded destroying habitat and the areas below dams are usually starved of water. The other negative is the thermal pollution. Areas behind the dam gat colder that natural and the areas in front of the dam become warmer than natural. Pg 614 Testing your comprehension 1.About 13% of our world’s energy is renewable and new renewable counts for 1%. The most prevalent form of renewable energy we use is biomass which accounts for 50% and hydroelectric which accounts for 35%. The form of energy most used to generate electricity is hydro power. 2.The diminishing amounts of fossil fuels have people concerned about our energy future. This is causing people to look for new renewable resources of energy. Solar and wind power are the new renewables that are experiencing the most rapid growth. 3.Passive solar heating is in the design of a building. It involves the installation of low south facing windows to capture sun, over hangs to shade windows in the summer, and the use of construction materials that capture the suns heat and release it throughout the day. Active solar heating is the use of technologies to heat water and air in structures. It involves installing flat-plate solar collectors on rooftops. Water, air or antifreeze passes through the panel and gets heated by the sun which in-turns transfers its heat to the building or to water tanks. 4.The photoelectric effect is when light reaches the PV cell and strikes one of a pair which is made of the semiconductor silicone. The light causes one plate to release electrons which are attracted by electrostatic forces to the opposing plate. Photovoltaic cells work when you attach wires to the plates  and allow the electrons to pass from one plate to the other freely. This causes an electric current or DC current which then can be converted to AC currents used in home and businesses. 5.Environmental and economic advantages of solar power are that the PV cells use no fuel, are quiet and safe, contain no moving parts, require little maintenance, and do not require a

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Count Alessandro Volta :: essays research papers

Count Alessandro Volta (1742-1827) Count Alessandro Volta was born in 1745 at Como, Italy. He was educated in public schools and in 1774, he became professor of Physics at the Royal School in Como. The following year he devised the electrophorus, an instrument that produced charges of static electricity. In 1776-1777 he applied himself to chemistry, studying atmospheric electricity and devising experiments such as the ignition of gases by an electric spark in a closed vessel. In 1779 he became professor of physics at the University of Pavia, a chair he occupied for 25 years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1800, Volta discovered the battery by studying earlier experiments. He believed that metals that are different could create electricity when in contact with each other. In his experiment, he stacked copper, zinc and cardboard, which was soaked in salt water. When both ends of the stack were touched, electricity flowed. This was the first battery.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is not a lot of information on Count Alessandro Volta’s life, but there are records of Napoleon giving him the title of Count in 1801 in gratitude for his inventions that have revolutionized the world of today. The Electric Battery Electricity has fascinated human kind since our ancestors first witnessed lightning. In ancient Greece, Thales observed that an electric charge could be generated by rubbing amber, for which the Greek word is electron. The German physicist Otto von Guericke experimented with generating electricity in 1650, the English physicist Stephen Gray discovered electrical conductivity in 1729, and the American statesman and inventor Benjamin Franklin studied the properties of electricity by conducting his famous experiment of flying a kite with a key attached during electrical storms. However, the first workable device for generating a consistent flow of electricity was invented around 1799 by the Italian inventor Alessandro Volta. Volta’s discovery of a means of converting chemical energy into electrical energy formed the basis for nearly all modern batteries. Beginning his work in 1793, Volta observed the electrical interaction between two different metals submerged near each other in an acidic solution. Count Alessandro Volta :: essays research papers Count Alessandro Volta (1742-1827) Count Alessandro Volta was born in 1745 at Como, Italy. He was educated in public schools and in 1774, he became professor of Physics at the Royal School in Como. The following year he devised the electrophorus, an instrument that produced charges of static electricity. In 1776-1777 he applied himself to chemistry, studying atmospheric electricity and devising experiments such as the ignition of gases by an electric spark in a closed vessel. In 1779 he became professor of physics at the University of Pavia, a chair he occupied for 25 years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1800, Volta discovered the battery by studying earlier experiments. He believed that metals that are different could create electricity when in contact with each other. In his experiment, he stacked copper, zinc and cardboard, which was soaked in salt water. When both ends of the stack were touched, electricity flowed. This was the first battery.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is not a lot of information on Count Alessandro Volta’s life, but there are records of Napoleon giving him the title of Count in 1801 in gratitude for his inventions that have revolutionized the world of today. The Electric Battery Electricity has fascinated human kind since our ancestors first witnessed lightning. In ancient Greece, Thales observed that an electric charge could be generated by rubbing amber, for which the Greek word is electron. The German physicist Otto von Guericke experimented with generating electricity in 1650, the English physicist Stephen Gray discovered electrical conductivity in 1729, and the American statesman and inventor Benjamin Franklin studied the properties of electricity by conducting his famous experiment of flying a kite with a key attached during electrical storms. However, the first workable device for generating a consistent flow of electricity was invented around 1799 by the Italian inventor Alessandro Volta. Volta’s discovery of a means of converting chemical energy into electrical energy formed the basis for nearly all modern batteries. Beginning his work in 1793, Volta observed the electrical interaction between two different metals submerged near each other in an acidic solution.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

A Literary Analysis of the Sweet Hereafter Essay

In the final section of the novel, The Sweet Hereafter, Banks seems to be using the demolition derby setting as a place for everyone to meet and see just exactly how things have changed in the town of Sam Dent since the tragic bus accident that happened the previous winter. It serves as a place that can be compared and contrasted with how the townspeople act this year versus the previous years. It is also a place where most everyone in the town comes annually. It may be told through Dolores’ perspective but she gives the reader an idea of exactly how different of an experience it is for her this year from last year. She also eludes through her narration how specific people are different this year. The most significant change in a person that I was able to notice was the change in Billy Ansel. Dolores commented on how he was drunk when she saw him at the demolition derby. He was carrying a flask with him and had a woman with him that was, as Dolores commented, â€Å"Not the sort of woman you’d expect to see in Billy Ansel’s company† (233). Dolores described the way Billy used to be by saying that he â€Å"had been a noble man; and now he was ruined† (235). I could tell differences in Billy as well. The first thing that tipped me off about how he was acting was that he was cursing profusely. Before all of this happened he would curse, but at the demolition derby it was like he couldn’t go for an entire sentence without cursing. Russell Banks did a very good job of changing the dialogue that came about in a conversation with Billy Ansel. It really gave me a sense of giving up. It seems to me that Billy has given up. He no longer is trying to be the pillar of strength that he used to be. He doesn’t hide the fact that he is a drunk and he doesn’t seem to care very much about the woman he is with. These are some very big changes in Billy. He is clearly a wounded and beaten man. I think that Dolores summed it up perfectly when she said, â€Å"I looked across to Billy Ansel and realized that what frightened and saddened me most about him was that he no longer loved anybody. All the man had was himself. And you can’t love only yourself†(237). Another reason why I think that Banks put Dolores at the Demolition Derby was to give her a chance to reflect upon all the other lives that were affected by the tragic accident. She goes on for two pages about all the people who  were different now. The Walkers were getting a divorce, the Lamstons were on welfare, the Bilodeaus and Atwaters were in jail for dealing drugs, and the Ottos were isolating themselves from the world. Because Dolores was in this situation with all the townspeople shunning her, it served as the perfect time and place to wrap up exactly what has become of the survivors and the families of the victims. Overall, the county fair and demolition derby was the perfect place to end the novel. It brought everyone together again because it was an annual event that the whole town attended. It served as a comparison to the past years when it would be in town. When you go to an event every year such as this you tend to know what to expect. This year Dolores had no idea and that scared her. The whole time she was there she was making then and now comparisons of the people who she saw. The reflections and comparisons are a perfect way to show exactly how affected by the accident the people of Sam Dent were. It seems to me that this town has given up just as Billy Ansel did. Dolores says, â€Å"All over town there were empty houses and trailers for sale that last winter had been homes with families in them. A town needs its children, just as much and in the same ways as a family does. It comes undone without them, turns a community into a windblown scattering of isolated individuals† (236). This is the way that I see this town as well. It definitely resembles what I would think that a windblown scattering of isolated individuals would look like. Clearly this accident has affected the whole town in a way that might never be repaired. And the last section that takes place at the demolition derby was a place for them all to come together and show each other exactly how different it all was.

Monday, January 6, 2020

U-2 Spy Plane Incident With Gary Powers

On May 1, 1960, a  U-2 spy plane  piloted by Francis Gary Powers was brought down near Svedlovsk, Soviet Union while performing high altitude reconnaissance. This event had a lasting negative impact on U.S. - U.S.S.R. relations. The details surrounding this event are to this day still shrouded in mystery. Facts About the U-2 Incident Following World War II, the relations between the United States and the Soviet Union grew increasingly wary. The USSR did not agree to a U.S. Open Skies proposal in 1955 and relations continued to deteriorate. The U.S. instituted high altitude reconnaissance flights over the Soviet Union because of this aura of mistrust. The U-2 was the plane of choice for the spying missions. This plane was able to fly extremely high, with an overall ceiling of 70,000 feet. This was key so that the Soviet Union would not be able to detect the planes and see this as an act of warfare for violating their airspace. The CIA took the lead in the U-2 project, keeping the military out of the picture to avoid any possibilities of open conflict. The first flight in this project occurred on July 4, 1956. By 1960, the U.S. had flown numerous successful missions over and around the U.S.S.R. However, a major incident was about to occur.   On May 1, 1960, Gary Powers was making a flight that left from Pakistan and landed in Norway. However, the plan was to divert his flight path so that he would fly over Soviet airspace. However, his plane was shot down by a surface-to-air missile near  Sverdlovsk Oblast which was located in the Ural Mountains. Powers was able to parachute to safety, but was captured by the KGB. The Soviet Union was able to recover most of the plane. It had proof of Americas spying over their land. When it was obvious that the Soviet Union had caught the US red-handed, Eisenhower admitted on May 11th to knowledge of the program.  Powers was interrogated and then put on trial where he was sentenced to hard labor.   Mysteries The conventional story given to explain the crash of the U-2 and the subsequent capture of Gary Powers is that a surface-to-air missile brought down the plane. However, the U-2 spy plane was constructed to be unassailable by conventional weapons. The major benefit of these high altitude planes was their ability to stay above enemy fire. If the plane was flying at its proper height and had been shot down, many question how Powers could have survived. It would have been very likely that he would have died in the explosion or from the high altitude ejection. Therefore, many individuals question the validity of this explanation. Several alternative theories have been put forward to explain the downing of Gary Powers spy plane: Gary Powers was flying his plane below the high flying reconnaissance altitude and was hit by anti-aircraft fire.Gary Powers actually landed the plane in the Soviet Union.There was a bomb on board the plane. The newest and probably least probable explanation offered for the downing of the planes comes from the pilot of a Soviet plane involved in the incident. He claims to have been ordered to ram the spy plane. Admittedly there is little evidence to support this claim. However, it further muddies the waters of explanation. Even though the cause of the incident is shrouded in mystery there is little doubt to the short and long term consequences of the event. Consequences and Significance The Paris Summit between President Eisenhower and Nikita Krushchev collapsed in large part because Krushchev demanded an apology that Eisenhower was unwilling to give.Gary Powers was convicted of espionage and sentenced to 3 years imprisonment and 7 years of hard labor. He only served 1 year 9 months and 9 days before being traded for the Soviet spy Colonel Rudolph Ivanovich Abel.This incident set in motion a pattern of mistrust that culminated in the Cuban Missile Crisis, a time when U.S.-U.S.S.R. relations reached an all time low. No one can predict if the Cold War might have ended sooner had the U-2 incident not occurred.